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Work Inspiration

Interested in a Work Inspiration Placement? Find out more here

Placement Students Considering Veterinary Nursing as a Career

Thank you for your inrerest in a work inspiration placement within our surgery. Due to the large number of students that approach us for work inspiration we will prioritise students who show a genuine interest and sufficient academic ability to enter the veterinary profession (i.e. you must be predicted at least 5 grade 4-6 in GCSE's including Maths, English and a Science). We can only offer a maximum period of up to two weeks for your placement.

We can only accept one student at a tme and you must be over the minimum age of 15 at the time of your placement.

Placement Students Considering Applying to Become a Veterinary Surgeon

As with a career into veterinary nursing, the academic ability is very important when selecting students for our work inspiration programme.

Those students who are predicted grades 7-9 in GCSE in subjects including Maths, English and Science subjects will be accepted.

As competition is fierce academically able post-GCSE students wishing to follow a career in veterinary medicine are welcome to apply independantly. They are recommended to build a portfolio of evidence to support their university application, which can be undertaken at the surgery.


Please note that all work inspiration placements will be shadowing and observing only. 

To arrange a work inspiration placement please:

  • Complete a Work Inspiration application form and return to Melanie Watts, our work inspiration coordinator.
  • All applications will be acknowledged.
  • If you are a successful candidate we will contact you to arrange a pre-placement interview where we will agree dates. 
  • Confirmation of placement dates and guidelines will be sent to you prior to your placement, once you’ve read through them just sign and return your confirmation slip before the start of your placement.

Once again, thank you for your interest in our surgery, we look forward to receiving your completed application.